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**1. Apparatus and Events:

  • Artistic gymnastics consists of both men’s and women’s events, each featuring specific apparatus. Men’s events include Floor Exercise, Pommel Horse, Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars, and Horizontal Bar. Women’s events include Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, and Floor Exercise.

2. Gymnast Categories:

  • Gymnasts are categorized based on age and skill level, and competitions may have different divisions.

3. Routine Composition:

  • Gymnasts perform routines on each apparatus, combining a series of required and optional elements. Routines must include a variety of skills such as jumps, turns, acrobatics, and balance elements.

4. Difficulty Score (D-score):

  • The difficulty score is based on the complexity and difficulty of the skills performed in the routine. Each skill is assigned a specific difficulty value according to the Code of Points.

5. Execution Score (E-score):

  • Judges evaluate the execution of the routine, considering factors like form, technique, precision, and fluidity. Deductions are made for mistakes, imperfect form, and other errors.

6. Start Value:

  • The total score begins with the sum of the difficulty score (D-score) and the execution score (E-score).

7. Code of Points:

  • The Code of Points is a detailed document that outlines the specific requirements and values assigned to each skill. It is regularly updated to reflect changes in the sport and introduce new elements.

8. Judges:

  • A panel of judges is responsible for scoring each routine. The number of judges can vary, but the highest and lowest scores are typically discarded to reduce bias, and the remaining scores are averaged.

9. Time Limits:

  • Routines are required to be completed within specified time limits for each apparatus.

10. Equipment Standards:

  • The apparatus used in competitions must adhere to international standards regarding dimensions, materials, and safety.

11. Penalties:

  • Penalties may be applied for exceeding time limits, performing skills out of order, or other rule violations.

12. Tiebreakers:

  • In the event of a tie, tiebreakers such as the highest execution score or the highest difficulty score may be used to determine the winner.

13. Scoring System Changes:

  • The scoring system in artistic gymnastics has undergone changes over the years, with the aim of promoting transparency, fairness, and consistency in judging.

14. Instant Replay (Video Review):

  • Some competitions may incorporate instant replay or video review systems to allow judges to review and reassess certain elements of a routine.

Understanding the rules and scoring system is crucial for both gymnasts and spectators to appreciate the precision and skill involved in artistic gymnastics. The combination of difficulty, execution, and artistry contributes to the overall success of a routine and determines the final score.

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